Executive Member for Transport and Planning    1 December 2020



Report of the Director of Economy and Place


Consideration of consultation results from Farrar Street following a petition being received requesting Residents’ Priority Parking


Residents Parking Consultations:


1.      To report the consultation results carried out for Farrar Street to be included within the existing R46 Residents Priority Parking Scheme and to determine what action is appropriate. A plan of the consulted area is included as Annex A.


2.     It is recommended that approval be given to take no further action towards the implementation of Residents Priority parking at this location and remove the consulted area from the Residents Parking waiting list.  

Reason: The standard required percentage return rate for progressing to the legal advertisement stage has not been met.


3.     A petition was received from residents of Farrar Street in November 2018, this was reported to the Executive Member for Transport at a public decision session on 7th February 2019. The Executive Member requested we undertake a formal consultation in the area to ascertain the level of support for including Farrar Street within the existing R46 Residents parking scheme. The report and decision notices are available to view on the website.

4.     The consultation documentation pack is included as Annex B with the second covering letter included as Annex C.

5.      Farrar Street comprises of 68 terraced houses, within the petition 39 properties expressed a positive interest on the introduction of a Residents Parking Scheme.

6.      We undertook the initial consultation on 16th March 2020, however this coincided with the Government lockdown restrictions implemented for the whole of the country. During this consultation we received a 25% response rate. As this is considerably less than the required fifty percent response to progress the proposal to advertisement it was agreed that the timing could have had a significant impact on the results, possibly due to residents being permitted to leave properties for postal votes to be returned.

7.      As such a second consultation was undertaken on 25th September 2020 giving residents a three week period to return their preferences on the proposed scheme and any additional comments. The same documentation pack was delivered with an updated covering letter placing an emphasis on returning choices via email where possible. During this second consultation we received a 31% response rate with 16 of the 68 properties being in favour of introducing an extended scheme to include Farrar Street.

8.      During the most recent consultation we received three comments relating to the demographics of the street due to the amount of student accommodation or short term lets which may be offered in the area. We also received one comment against the scheme stating there is no problem with on street parking.

9.      Consultation results

Full details of both consultations are included as Annex D

10.   We consulted with 68 properties within the proposed extended area of Farrar Street. In the most recent consultation the results where -

21 Properties responded (31%)

Of these:


16 (76%) supported the introduction of a Resident Parking Scheme

5 (24%) did not support the introduction of a Resident Parking Scheme


And of the returns:

16 (76%) preferred a full time scheme

4 (21%) would prefer a Mon- sat 9am to 5pm scheme





11.  Option 1  

Take no further action at this time.

This is the recommended option because we have not received the standard criteria of a 50% return rate from the proposed extended area (Farrar Street), with only having 16 of the 68 properties being in favour of introducing a scheme.


12. Option 2

Advertise an amendment to the Traffic Regulation Order to extend the existing R46 (Lawrence Street) residents priority parking scheme to include Farrar Street.  

This is not the recommended action as this does not take in to consideration the ballot results and percentage returns.


13.    The details of the consultation documentation delivered for the area is included within this report as, Annex B and C.

If approval to proceed is granted then the formal legal Traffic Regulation Order consultation is carried out.

Council Plan

14.    The above proposal contributes to the City Council’s, Council Plan of:

·        An open and effective council

15.    Implications

This report has the following implications:

16.    Financial There will be no cost implications should the recommendation be approved.

17.    Human Resources None

18.    Equalities None.

19.    Legal If progressed the proposals will require amendments to the York Parking, Stopping and Waiting Traffic Regulation Order 2014:

Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 & the Local Authorities Traffic Orders (procedure) (England & Wales) Regulations 1996 apply.

Crime and Disorder– None

Information Technology- None

Land – None

Other – None

Risk Management

There is an acceptable level of risk associated with the recommended option.




Contact Details


Chief Officer Responsible for the report:

Name Annemarie Howarth

Job title Traffic Projects Officer

Dept. Transport

Tel: (01904) 551337

Neil Ferris

Corporate Director: Economy & Place


Date: 20/11/2021






Wards Affected: Fishergate




For further information please contact the author of the report.


Background Papers: Farrar Street, Windmill Gates, Alma Terr/Grove and Slingsby Grove Residents Parking Petitions report.

Reported on 07/02/2019 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport



Annex A: Planof consulted area. 


Annex B:  Consultation Documentation pack


Annex C: Second consultation covering letter


Annex D: Results for both consultations